
Crochet stitches

I always saw a photo tutorial for the cable crochet point, which has proved to be very popular. Today I am going to share two patterns of simple woven kitchen cloth with you. I love everything about the stranded spot. It works quickly and is simple to master point easy to make and very beautiful to see. The result is textured, but delicate with a lace work. In a word, it's amazing! Below you will find two patterns as well as a chart for each pattern. I have seen several models but this is extraordinary.
I read that In former times, grandmothers used to say that trails of tractor tires were made by the claws of a giant crab that had attempted to enter the ranch at night haha ​​imagine. This dishcloth remembers those tire tracks and still be young and innocent enough to believe stories like that. It also reminds me when my mother at Christmas parties always put the time the visitors arrived, but only when they arrived to make the table very elegant, and I loved .. good times
Let us then go to step by step and the most incredible images that my eyes could see .. I think the crochet is a gift from God.

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